Botswana, Africa

Botswana, Africa
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this blog are our personal views and are not representative of the Peace Corps or the U.S. government in anyway.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Finally A Game Drive!!

Dumela Everyone!

Sorry we haven't posted anything in a while. We have no excuse really, other than the fact that it is getting so hot here that we don't have much energy to do anything! I guess it is not really that hot yet, it is in the 90's during the day, but without any air conditioning of any kind and having to walk everywhere we want to go it can be pretty miserable sometimes!

Last weekend we went on a game drive in the Khama Rhino Sanctuary which is about 2 hours after from where we live in a village called Serowe. We stayed with a fellow Peace Corps volunteer, Patty, who had talked her friends into driving us around the park for free! We had a blast together and finally saw some wild animals after all of this time in Africa. The sanctuary was originally created to help protect rhino's in Botswana who were becoming endangered. We were able to see a lot of the rhino's because right now it is winter and very dry here so there are only a few watering holes and they were all gathered by them drinking. Overall, it was such a great time and we felt really lucky that we were able to do it just as a short weekend trip because we live here!


  1. Ah! So cool! You guys saw some awesome stuff!

  2. Yeah we did, but the best part was when I saddled the male rhino and rode off into the sunset... I guess you had to be there.

  3. Cool pictures! Sounds like a good time and only two hours away.
